Spearfishing Accessories

Spearfishing for Beginners – The Ultimate Guide

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Curious about spearfishing for beginners? Beginners might find spearfishing intimidating at first, but once you get the hang of it, it’s pretty easy!

Spearfishing is the act of catching fish with a spear or pole. It has been around since ancient times, as people have been hunting and killing fish long before the invention of the fishing rod and reel.

This spearfishing for beginners guide will help both beginners and experienced spearos become more effective. Let’s start with the basics of spearfishing!

What is Spearfishing for Beginners?

Spearfishermen use a speargun to shoot fish with a spear or with a Hawaiian sling. Spearfishers also wear fins, gloves, a mask and snorkel, a wetsuit and a weight belt if they’re going deep.

Many people are intimidated by spearfishing because it seems dangerous, but the truth is that many people do it every day without any problems. Spearfishing can be dangerous if you don’t know what you’re doing, so always make sure to take the necessary precautions.

Spearfishing for Beginners - The Ultimate Guide | Spearfishing Accessories
Image Source: Popular Science

Spearfishing Gear for Beginners

A lot of people ask me what kind of spearfishing gear they should buy. Well, the answer is very simple: if you are a beginner in spearfishing, then go get any old pole spear, mask and snorkel, wetsuit, and weight belt.

Here’s the list of all the gear I recommend:

Spearfishing Wetsuit

A spearfishing wetsuit will come in handy when you dive into the water. Wetsuits help keep a diver warm and hydrated, which can be important to your safety. If you’re going on a long dive, make sure to bring a towel with you to dry off afterward.

A spearfishing wetsuit is typically made of neoprene and rubber or silicone, so it will float if it’s lost underwater and can be easily retrieved later.

wetsuit- Spearfishing Accessories

Hawaiian Sling vs. Pole Spear vs. Speargun

Most people choose one of three types of spearing: Hawaiian sling, Pole Spear, or Spear gun. A rule of thumb is to choose the best type based on location (shallow vs deep water) and level of expertise (beginner vs expert).

Hawaiian Sling Spear pole, speargun
Image Source: Amazon

Hawaiian sling, Pole Spear, and Spearguns are all tools used in spearfishing.

A Hawaiian sling is primarily used in shallow water spearfishing. Hawaiian slings use a longer pole with an open mouth that is more like a basket than a cage to catch fish.

Poles spears are most commonly used as they can be easily transported and are great for catching medium-sized fish from the surface of the water. But it depends on the type of fish you want to spear!

Spearguns are only suitable for freedive spearfishing where there is no other equipment involved. It’s important to note that spearguns must not be used in protected areas or near boats because they shoot out projectiles at high speeds.

Shallow water spearfishing may require a mask and snorkel, wetsuit, weight belt, diving equipment such as scuba gear and rash guards depending on depth requirements.

If you are planning to dive into deeper waters then scuba gear would be necessary along with the previously mentioned items depending on your personal preference.

Masks and Snorkels

If you plan on diving deep into the water, then you will need scuba gear such as a diving mask and snorkel to stay safe underwater. You should always wear a mask and snorkel to protect your eyes and nose from water.

Masks & Snorkels- Spearfishing Accessories


Swimming in the ocean with bare feet can be difficult, so it’s a good idea to invest in a pair of fins. These are basically flippers that go on your feet, and they can make spearfishing easier.

But you don’t want to just buy any old pair of fins from your local surf shop. Instead, get them from a spearfisherman as they are designed specifically for this purpose.

Fins- Spearfishing Accessories

Long blade fins are best for swimming deeper while shorter blade fins will work better at shallower depths where there is less current and waves.

Always ensure that the fins are strapped tightly on your feet, and that they don’t come loose while swimming. Your spearfishing gear will most likely come with a face plate, which is ideal for protecting you from fish hooks.

Spearfishing Knife

A spearfishing knife is the most important piece of equipment you need. Diving knives come in all shapes, sizes and designs, each with their own pros and cons.

Diving Knife

Choose a blade at least six inches long so you can thrust it more powerfully into your target. You should also make sure the handle is sturdy enough to not slip out of your hand if wet, and it can be attached to your weight belt or leg strap.

Weight Belt

A weight belt is a tool used by spearfishermen to compensate for the buoyancy of their wetsuit. Wearing a weight belt allows the spearfisherman to stay closer to the bottom and swim in calmer waters without fear of floating away.

Weight belt also provides support when fighting larger fish, like grouper and barracuda, that may end up on the spearfisherman’s line.

Wetsuit Boots or Booties (Optional)

You’ll also need wetsuit boots or booties (footwear made of neoprene) to protect your feet against the water’s cold temperature.

Wetsuit Scuba Booties-Spearfishing Accessories
Image Source: Amazon

Other Spearfishing Accessories

A few other accessories you might want to consider are,

  • Lights,
  • Gloves,
  • Socks,
  • Gauges,
  • Stringers,
  • Rigging (Reel Lines, clips),
  • Floats and Floatlines,
  • Spearfishing Cameras.

Spearfishing Technique for Beginners

The types of spearfishing you can do include:

  1. Shallow Water Spearfishing,
  2. Freedive Spearfishing,
  3. Scuba Dive Spearfishing

Shallow water spearfishing is a great place to start when it comes to recreational spearfishing. It’s done in shallow water, which makes it easier to see fish and avoid becoming lost or injured.

Spearfishing for Beginners - The Ultimate Guide
Image Source: Scuba.com

Freedive spearfishing is done without scuba gear, and most of it takes place underwater. Freedivers hold their breath to get as far down as they can and still be able to see fish.

Spearfishers typically use a speargun, Hawaiian sling or pole spear because that keeps their hands free.

Freediving - Spearfishing Accessories

Scuba dive spearfishing is the type of spearfishing where divers wear SCUBA diving equipment (i.e., masks, snorkels) and go deep underwater to catch fish with their spears.

They need all the proper equipment like masks, snorkels, weights belts and wetsuits before they even think about going on a dive.

Scuba Diving - Spearfishing Accessories

Breathing is the most significant difference between the two spearfishing techniques.

While scuba divers use tanks of breathable air strapped to their bodies – and they are taught to never hold their breath underwater – free divers train themselves to hold their breath while they dive into the depths of the sea.

Spearfishing Safety Precautions for Beginners

Safety is always a concern, but it’s especially important when spearfishing. Spearfishermen and women should use the best diving safety precautions they can to avoid a fatal accident.

Protecting yourself from the sun is important, so make sure you wear a mask and snorkel, spearfishing wetsuit, weight belt, and rash guard to prevent dehydration.

Keep your knife tucked away in case it falls out of your sheath while hunting or if you need to cut something out of your way.

Spearfishing is dangerous, but if you take these safety precautions, you can minimize these risks:

  • Get as much training as possible;
  • Wear protective gear like masks and snorkels, spearfishing wetsuits, weight belts, and rash guards. Take time to read through the most frequently asked questions before diving into deep water with scuba gear
  • Be mindful of what could happen when using an unsharpened blade like Hawaiian sling or pole spear;
  • Don’t dive too deep without reading about freedive spearfishing, shallow water spearfishing, and scuba dive spearfishing. There are many different techniques that have different rules attached to them depending on the depth of the body of water where you are fishing!
  • Avoid attaching the dead fish to you, so predators won’t come after you for them.

  • Always spearfish with a buddy, someone who will stay close by at all times and watch your back,

Whale Sharks - Spearfishing precautions


Rest often between dives and enjoy your dives! If anything ever happens underwater, get help right away. You never know what might happen during a free dive-that’s why being safe is so important!

Best Spearfishing Destinations for Beginners

Hawaii is a great place to learn how to spearfish. Here are some of the best places in the world to go Spearfishing:

  • Kailua-Kona, Hawaii
  • Key West, Florida
  • San Diego, California
  • Krabi, Thailand
  • Azores, Portugal
  • Cozumel, Mexico

Spearfishing for Beginners – Final Thoughts

If you don’t take proper safety precautions, freediving spearfishing may be the best choice for beginners since it requires less gear.

Big corporations are capitalizing on spearfishing’s popularity by making spearfishing gear specifically for them. Even though it’s an extreme sport, it can provide a great addition to your overall underwater experience when done correctly.

After learning what spearfishing for beginners is, what gear to use, and how to do it, it’s time to get in the water!

Have fun, stay safe, and dive responsibly.

Spearfishing FAQs

Is it easy to learn spearfishing?

Learning spearfishing can be challenging due to the wide variety of skills and knowledge required, including understanding water temperature and target fish species.

What do you need to start spearfishing?

To start spearfishing, you need basic spearfishing equipment like pneumatic spearguns or those with a rubber band, and knowledge of the types of fish you’re targeting.

Where to start spearfishing?

Beginners should start spearfishing in shallow waters to avoid shallow water blackouts and gradually progress as they gain experience.

What skills do you need for spearfishing?

Skills needed for spearfishing include swimming, understanding fish species, and handling different types of spearguns, like those with a spear shaft or rubber band.

Can I Spearfish without a boat?

Yes, you can spearfish without a boat by starting in accessible shallow waters and targeting species of fish found near the shore.

Do you hold your breath when spearfishing?

Yes, you typically hold your breath when spearfishing, which requires practice to avoid shallow water blackouts.

Should I eat before spearfishing?

It’s advisable to eat a light meal before spearfishing to maintain energy, but avoid heavy meals that might affect your comfort in the water.

What should I wear?

Wear a wetsuit, fins, mask and snorkel, weight belt and gloves. Bring a towel to dry off with after you spearfish and your Spearfishing Knife. Make sure you have sunscreen on!

How deep can I go?

Divers have varying abilities when it comes to the depth to which they can go. In spite of this, most spearfishers stay within a distance of approximately 25 meters while spearfishing.

Are there any safety precautions?

Yes! You need to make sure that all safety precautions are followed at all times because this is dangerous work. For example, always swim in pairs when spearfishing so that if one of you get into trouble then the other can help them out. Make sure to follow all rules set by local fisheries agencies or parks as well. Also take care not to dive deeper than 30 feet without any gear (scuba gear). Always use common sense when diving or swimming near large marine animals.

How do I put on my mask and snorkel?

Place the mouthpiece over your mouth and nose. Adjust to fit snugly but comfortably around your face and position the strap behind your head to hold the equipment in place.

Can I use my own personal equipment instead of renting some from an outdoor shop?

If you have experience using scuba diving equipment, then yes!

When going spearfishing for beginners, what Spearfishing Gear should I bring?

When going spearfishing for beginners, it’s important to bring the following: Mask and Snorkel, Weight Belt, Spearfishing Knife (For Safety Precautions), Dive Fins, Wetsuit (To Keep Warm), Sunscreen.

I am having difficulties breathing underwater during freediving; how can I fix this problem?

Practice different techniques like shallow water spearfishing or freedive spearfishing! If you practice enough, your body will eventually adjust.

How to Find the Best Places to Spearfish ?

Spend time researching to find places where people say it’s easy to catch fish, and where the marine life is abundant. Go during high tide for better fishing spots and avoid touristy areas since these locations may be protected or illegal.

Why Should I Carry My Spearfishing Knife?

You must carry a knife while you spearfish because sometimes fish may become entangled in your line. A knife will allow you to cut the line quickly, making sure that no fish is harmed in the process.

How to Set Up Your Speargun?

Use the scuba grip to grab onto the bottom section of your pole spear. Take your dominant hand, wrap it around the top section, and make sure both hands overlap. Twist until you feel resistance, then release. Now push down on both ends of the pole spear to make it tighter.

How to Load Your Pole Spear?

First, pull back on the gun end of your pole spear until you hear a click.

How to Shoot Your Speargun?

Pull the trigger on your speargun and aim the tip of your spear towards the fish. Remember to keep your finger on the trigger and to keep a steady arm for a straight shot!

How to Spearfish for Beginners?

Spearfishing technique varies depending on location, species targeted, currents, tides, weather and more.

How hard is spear fishing?

Spearfishing is a challenging sport and it can be tough to learn. But don’t give up! It might just take a little more time, research and practice before you start catching fish.

What Spearfishing Techniques Are There?

There are many spearfishing techniques that you can use to try and catch your prey. There is Shallow water Spearfishing, Scuba Dive Spearfishing, Freedive Spearfishing and more.

Does spearfishing hurt the fish?

No, not if done correctly. Make sure to always respect the environment and only spearfish responsibly.

Do I need any prior knowledge or skills?

Yes, you will need at least one year of experience with basic SCUBA gear. This includes getting comfortable with mask and snorkels, weight belts, dive fins and wet suits.

Is spearfishing cruel?

Spearfishing is an exciting outdoor sports activity, and does not usually cause pain or harm to the fish.

What to do if you see a shark while spearfishing?

Spearfishing is a dangerous and unpredictable sport. Even sharks can attack you when spearfishing! Avoid surfing, paddle boarding, kayaking or anything else that could attract sharks to your location.

Where to Go Spearfishing?

Depending on your personal preferences and skillset, there are different locations to consider when spearfishing.

How do I get started spearfishing?

Start by reading our Spearfishing blog section for helpful tips on Spearfishing Gear, Spearfishing Technique and Spearfishing Safety Precautions. And remember to follow all local laws when spearfishing! 🙂

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