Spearfishing Accessories

11 Simple Spearfishing Techniques Beginner Needs to Know

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Spearfishing techniques are one of the most important things when you are just starting out your fishing sports.

You will have to learn how to navigate the waters and get your gear in order before you can even start to look at what techniques to employ while underwater hunting your prey.

If you are looking to learn some simple spearfishing tips and techniques that you can use right away, keep reading and I will explain the most important things you need to know when getting started in this sport.

In this guide, I will help you learn 11 simple spearfishing tips, pick which one works best for your personal needs and goals. Let’s dive in!

1) Have the Proper Gear

Having the right accessories equipment is essential for spearfishing. You need a mask, snorkel and fins, or you can use a full-face dive mask.

A buoyancy control device or weight belt is also important to maintain your position in the water.

Spearfishing Techniques _ Gear
Image Source: Scuba.com

The length of your fins will depend on whether you are diving or freediving; scuba fins are usually too long for either activity and are more often used as a flotation device.

Finally, wear a wetsuit if you plan on being in the water for an extended period of time.

2) Free Diving Training- Spearfishing Techniques

Start diving training to learn the best breathing techniques for spearfishing. The first technique is called apnea.

Apnea is where a diver holds their breath underwater and dives down without using any diving gear. It is important not to move too much in this stage, as it will use up more oxygen.

Once at the bottom of the ocean floor, it’s time to start swimming upwards with your fins so that you can get back up to the surface of water again.

As a beginner, train yourself on how to hold your breath underwater and it will help when hunting fish. Training yourself by doing apnea exercises and then going spear fishing once you are ready can help prepare yourself for a successful hunt.

Spearfishing tips and techniques - Free diving training
Image Source: Lobster Weight

The best spearfishing breathing techniques are the ones that allow you to stay underwater longer. This will help you find more fish and increase your chances of catching one.

For example, with a breath holding technique, you’ll be able to stay underwater for up to one to two minutes by breathing through your nose. This can help you out when you’re hunting a big fish like the grouper.

3) Use a Good Quality Spear Gun

If you are just getting started, you will want to purchase a good quality spear gun. This is the most important part of spearfishing and can make all the difference in your success rate.

You’ll want one that has an adjustable butt and a high-quality blade. Also, look for one that has a safety lock on it so that you don’t have any accidents while underwater.

Techniques for spearfishing - Speargun
Image Source: Deeper Blue

Additionally, you will need some other equipment like gloves and fins, as well as some type of weight belt.

4) Get to Know Your Target Fish

Knowing the fish you are hunting is key. Research where they live, what they eat, and how they behave. If you can, get to know their preferred habitats and known migratory routes. This will help you best time your hunt for optimal success.

Also research the best hunting techniques for that species of fish – but remember there are many different types of spearfishing techniques for beginners so do your homework!

Fish hunting - Spearfishing tips and tricks
Image Source: Oregon Live

So knowing what kind of fish you’re after (and learning about its habits) is only one part of the equation.

You’ll also need to learn about which methods work best for attracting them with bait or lures, as well as which advanced spearfishing techniques are most effective in order to land a catch.

5) The Right Time of Day

It’s important to spearfish at the right time of day. You want to be diving in the morning or evening when there is less sunlight and visibility is not as good.

The fish also tend to congregate closer together during these times, making it easier for you to catch them.

In the midday, it will be harder for you to spot them because they are resting on the bottom of the sea floor, which makes it more difficult for you to see their silhouettes above water. And the glare from sun can make it even more challenging to spot your target.

Spearfishing tips and tricks for beginners
Image Source: The Fishing Website

But don’t worry, if you’re a beginner with no experience yet, we have got a few tips that can help you out!

There are many spearfishing techniques that can attract fish into your sights, but one of the most common ones is by using shrimp for bait.

Shrimp is an excellent bait because it resembles a small fish in both color and size so fish don’t notice that they’ve been caught until it’s too late!

By using this technique, spearers usually use 3-4 types of bait depending on what type of fish they’re trying to catch.

6) The Best Places to Go Spearfishing

The best places to go spearfishing are where the fish are. It’s as simple as that. And, unfortunately, some of the most productive waters in Florida have been closed off to spear fishing (or any kind of fishing).

So if you want to do any spear fishing, it is imperative that you make sure it is allowed before going in. Don’t just assume. Check with your local Department of Natural Resources or Fish and Wildlife Division.

Best Spearfishing Destinations -Techniques to learn
Image Source: Family Life Share

Hawaii is one of the best places for spearfishing in the world.

Known for its rich marine life, many diverse environments and incredible biodiversity, there’s something for everyone here – from open water diving on offshore reefs to backcountry hunting close to shore.

Here are 7 best Spearfishing destinations in the world:

1.      Kailua-Kona, Hawaii

2.      Key West, Florida

3.      Boca Brava, Panama

4.      Krabi, Thailand

5.      Cape Verde, Africa

6.      Cozumel, Mexico

7.      San Diego, California

No matter what style of underwater hunting you prefer there are a few things all spear fishers need to know about this ancient pastime:

  • How to attract the fish;
  • How long they can hold their breath while they’re underwater;
  • How they should be diving;
  • What equipment they’ll need and so forth.

That’s why, I’ve put together this list of 11 essential techniques beginners should know about before taking up this sport.

7) Spearfishing from Ambush

Ambushing a fish from behind rocks, logs, or other debris is one of the most popular spearfishing techniques for beginners because it requires very little skill.

If you can successfully sneak up on your target, all you have to do is hold your breath and grab the fish. Having trouble trying to hunt fish without being seen? Try employing some stealth moves.

Spearfishing from Ambush _ Spear Technique
Image Source: Apneajack.com

Sneak up on them with as little noise as possible by wading in shallow water and using a full-body camouflage wetsuit that helps break up your outline in the water column while masking any shadows or glare off of your body.

8) Try to Remain as Stealthy as Possible

Do not move up and down. Fish are attracted by movement, so don’t make any sudden movements that might scare them away.

If a fish is close enough, you can try and lower your spear closer to it by bending your knees slightly but not too much – this will help the spear penetrate better.

spearfishing techniques hacking
Image Source: YouTube

You should be as quiet as possible when you go into the water for the first time. If you’re wearing a wetsuit, make sure it’s not too tight as this could give away your position if a fish swims past you.

Try and stay in one spot for as long as possible.

9) Use Good Camouflage

Camouflage is one of the most important aspects of spearfishing. If you were a fish, would you want a big bright shiny object waving around in front of your face?  😀

Definitely not.

That’s why it’s important to wear camouflage that matches the color and texture of the reef.

There are three different types of camouflage: natural camo, tactical camo and hunting camo.

Each type has its own pros and cons, but for now let me tell you about natural camo because it is what spearos typically wear on reefs.

Hunting camo can be very good for shallow water spear fishing and tactical camo may be better for diving, so that should also be taken into consideration when choosing which type is best for you.

10) Follow the Local Laws and Regulations

When you spearfish, you should also be mindful of the local laws and regulations.

Depending on where you are fishing, there may be size restrictions or closed seasons for certain fish that you should abide by.

Follow the law so that you don’t get into any trouble with the police. If it is your first time spearfishing, try using some techniques to attract fish.

Spearfishing Laws and regulations
Image Source: Thebrokebackpacker.com

You can use a chum bag or toss bait in front of you and let the current carry it along, then go after it when the water settles again.

Use a surface lure like a floating squid rig with hooks baited with fresh seafood caught from shoreline fishing. There are many ways to attract fish using different types of equipment; find what works best for you!

11) Respect the Ocean and Its Resources

Spearfishing is a sustainable way of fishing that saves the fish population and protects the environment. It is also an activity that can be enjoyed by the whole family, so don’t let it fade away!

Leave the big breeders!

Sustainable Spearfishing Tips
Image Source: Florida Sportsman

Although many spear fishers see it as a sport, there is so much more to it. I mean sure, you can go hunting for your next meal or compete in tournaments and even get some bragging rights, but spear fishing also has a deeper meaning.

If we take care of our oceans and its resources, people will continue to enjoy spearfishing for years to come.

Protecting what you love is a great feeling. Of course, if you want to learn more about spear fishing and how it all works check out Ultimate Spearfishing Guide (you’re on it).

Oh and don’t forget that becoming a responsible diver requires learning diving skills as well!

Spearfishing is an ancient practice of hunting with a spear, and it is a great way for beginners to get involved with the sport.

There are a variety of spearfishing techniques available. These range from spearfishing breathing techniques to spearfishing diving techniques. If you’re not sure what technique is best for you, the answer might be in the water’s depth.

The shallower the water, the more advanced your technique should be.

Bottom Line:

This is a list of the top spearfishing techniques beginners should know. It includes a variety of helpful skills, from spearfishing breathing techniques to spearfishing diving techniques.

Remember that there are no right or wrong techniques- it’s all about what suits you best!

If you’re new to spearfishing, it’s important that you learn these basic tips and tricks first. Learning how to hold your breath underwater is crucial and may take some practice before you get it right.

Once you master this skill, I recommend going on a shallow water spearfish hunt for beginners with reef or sand bottoms which are easier than open ocean hunting grounds with rocks, weed beds and other difficult terrain features like deep trenches and canyons.

When you head out to go spearfishing, you’ll want to focus on techniques that will help attract fish.

Check out the video below for some techniques that beginner needs to know.

Don’t be discouraged if you don’t catch anything your first time!



What is spearfishing and how does it work?

Spearfishing is a form of fishing that involves hunting and catching fish using a spear or a spear gun. The spear or spear gun is used to impale the fish and bring it back to shore or to the boat.

Is spearfishing safe?

Spearfishing can be a safe activity if proper precautions are taken. This includes using the appropriate equipment, following local laws and regulations, and being aware of your surroundings and the marine life in the area. It’s also important to dive safely and be mindful of your physical limits.

How do I choose the right spear or spear gun?

The right spear or spear gun for you will depend on your experience level and the type of fish you are targeting. For beginners, a simple spear or pole spear may be a good choice. As you gain more experience, you may want to consider a more advanced spear gun with a longer range and more power.

What equipment do I need for spearfishing?

The basic equipment needed for spearfishing includes a mask, fins, snorkel, wetsuit or dive skin, spear or spear gun, and a weight belt. Depending on the type of spearfishing you are doing, you may also need additional equipment such as a float or buoy, dive flag, and gloves.

How do I catch a fish with a spear or spear gun?

To catch a fish with a spear or spear gun, you will need to aim for the fish’s vital areas, such as the head or gills. You will also need to account for the movement of the fish and any currents or other factors that may affect your shot.

How do I clean and prepare the fish I catch?

To clean a fish, you will need a knife and a cutting board. Start by slicing off the head, then remove the guts and gills. Finally, scale and fillet the fish as desired. You can then cook the fish or freeze it for later use.

What are the best times to spearfish?

The best time to spearfish will depend on the location and the species of fish you are targeting. Some fish are more active during certain times of day or year, so it’s a good idea to research the habits of the fish you are targeting.

How do I stay safe while spearfishing?

To stay safe while spearfishing, follow these tips:

  • Dive within your limits and be aware of your air supply
  • Use a dive flag to alert boats to your presence
  • Stay aware of your surroundings and the marine life in the area
  • Use appropriate safety equipment, such as a float or buoy and a dive knife
  • Follow local laws and regulations

What are the best places to spearfish?

Some popular places to spearfish include shallow coral reefs, kelp forests, and shipwrecks. The best place for you will depend on the type of fish you are targeting and your personal preferences.

Can I spearfish in fresh water or only in salt water?

You can spearfish in both fresh water and salt water. However, the type of equipment and techniques you use may vary depending on the specific environment. For example, you may need a different type of spear or spear gun for freshwater fishing than for saltwater fishing.

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